News and statements

Seeking the best for the young people of this area
The Trustees of the Fowey Grammar School Foundation (FGSF) are committed to fulfilling the charity’s core purpose: supporting the education and development of young people in Fowey and the surrounding area. As a registered charity, we are legally obligated to manage our assets responsibly, ensuring they generate fair value to provide financial assistance to students through grants and educational support.

The future of our garden is the future of our children
The Trustees of the Fowey Grammar School Foundation feel it is necessary to respond publicly to the Mayor of Fowey in relation to her column in the December Fowey News regarding the Old Grammar School Garden. Whilst we appreciate the affection of some for this space, there is more at stake than the current use provided by Fowey Town Council.

Statement Regarding The Old Grammar School Gardens, Esplanade, Fowey
For the last seven years, FGSF has leased the above gardens at a peppercorn rent of £1 per year to Fowey Town Council. It has been decided by the trustees that this agreement does not meet our charitable obligations of maximising the charity’s assets.