The future of our garden is the future of our children

The Trustees of the Fowey Grammar School Foundation feel it is necessary to respond publicly to the Mayor of Fowey in relation to her column in the December Fowey News regarding the Old Grammar School Garden. Whilst we appreciate the affection of some for this space, there is more at stake than the current use provided by Fowey Town Council.

The Fowey Grammar School Foundation exists for the young people of Fowey and the surrounding area.

The Fowey Grammar School Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to advancing the education of children and young people who currently or previously attended Fowey Primary School or Fowey River Academy. The Foundation provides financial assistance to both schools, as well as education or equipment grants for those in higher education or vocational training. 

Our funding, which this year included £51,300 to 68 individual Fowey students, is derived from the careful management of the Foundation’s endowment. This includes an investment portfolio and property assets such as the Old Grammar School Garden. 

The young people of the area are fortunate to have this legacy for their benefit and, as Trustees, it is our duty (by law) to protect it for current and future generations.

Why is the Foundation not renewing the Town Council’s lease on the Garden? 

The Old Grammar School Garden is currently tenanted to FTC under a full repairing and insuring lease. In return for a ‘peppercorn’ rent of £1 a year, the Town Council undertook the responsibility for the upkeep, repairs, and maintenance of the Garden, to preserve the Foundation’s asset and safeguard its value for the benefit of the Foundation’s beneficiaries, the young people of the Fowey area.

In addition to our legal duty as Trustees to steward the valuable asset of the Garden, the decision not to renew the lease is based on a thorough review of the garden’s condition. While FTC has undertaken projects within the Garden, such as the lower garden makeover and sculpture installation, these do not exempt the Council from the repairing covenants within the lease granted which have not been fulfilled. This ultimately impacts the young people of the Fowey area.

The Trustees have sought to engage informally with the Mayor and the Town Clerk for sometime on this matter, including an invitation to attend a Trustees’ meeting.

Preserving the Garden’s Legacy

The Trustees understand the attachment of some in the community to the Old Grammar School Garden. It is a cherished part of Fowey’s heritage, and we are committed to preserving its legacy. However, we must do so in a way that is sustainable, equitable, and — above all — consistent with the Foundation’s remit of supporting the education of our young people, especially through grants and awards.

A Call for Constructive Dialogue

We encourage Fowey residents to engage with the Foundation in constructive dialogue about the Garden’s future. 

The Trustees have not yet made any decisions regarding how best to maximise the value of the Garden as a revenue stream for the charity’s beneficiaries. We are open to exploring solutions that honour its history while ensuring it remains a valuable asset in pursuing our charitable purpose which is the support of young people and their education. 

For further information about the Fowey Grammar School Foundation and its work, please visit our website:

Should anyone wish to discuss this matter, please contact the Clerk:

The Trustees
Fowey Grammar School Foundation


Seeking the best for the young people of this area


Statement Regarding The Old Grammar School Gardens, Esplanade, Fowey